[quote=kiddy]take over atau deface??[/quote]
take over mungkin yah

[quote=robbinhood]i don't think so ..
maybe he can do it anything right to that Profile ?

he is using Cookies Stealer in his profile ..
maybe for the antisipation we don't go to his Friendster ...
i'll see the script in his profile ...

he know password of bro teguh, bro rio, and etc ...
because bro teguh and bro rio, and maybe other FTI's member visit that profile ..
i hope all Exe Coder member can be carefull with that script

yup. just be careful with it.
My advisory:
>> Please use Noscript add-on
>> Use Mozilla
>> Use bro apocalypse's technique, (change cookies)
But btw........ Cookie stealer can't give passes, can it?