Pages: 123

  2008-09-20 02:57:17

Kaygee :3
» SuperFTalker
FTalk Level: zero

hai! I will ask a question about science. the next person should answer my question first, and then will post her question.. it goes with the next.. dis is not just a game, but a test on how we ha

^ * Name: [b]Lawrencium[/b] * Symbol: Lr * Atomic number: 103 * Atomic weight: [ 262 ] * Standard state: presumably a solid at 298 K * CAS Registry ID: 22537-19-5 * Group in periodic table: 3 * Group name: (none) * Period in periodic table: 7 * Block in periodic table: d-block * Colour: unknown, but probably metallic and silvery white or grey in appearance * Classification: Metallic [spoiler]:arrow: name at least 5 [b]actinoids[/b] :cool:[/spoiler]

Pages: 123

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