2008-09-20 11:41:53

» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote]RULES: [li]Eveyone must know the General Forum [url=http://theftalk.com/misc.php?action=rules]RULES[/url][/li] [li]must be active[/li] [li]must be friendly[/li] [li]spamming or flamming

say welcome just in code [i]iseng aja posting :lol:[/i] [u]with HTML:[/u] [quote]<html> <head> <title>Hello My brada</title> </head> <body BGcolor="red"> <b><font size="3">HELLO EXECODER<font></b> </body> <html>[/quote] [u]with JS:[/u] [quote]var teguh = { greet: function(greeting){ say(greeting); } } var say = function(message){ alert(message); } window.onload = teguh.greet('Hello everyone!');[/quote] [quote]main() { clrscr(); printf("Hello Everyone"); getch(); }[/quote] [u]with binary code:[/u] [quote]public class Loser{ public static void main(String[] args){ System.out.print("Im a EXECODER"); } }[/quote] <">[u]with PHP:[/u] [quote]<?php $msg1 = "hello guys!"; $msg2 = "how are you?"; echo" $msg1, $msg2 "; ?>[/quote]

Last edited by teguh0203 (2008-09-20 11:42:58)

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