2008-09-22 11:47:55

» FTalkFreak
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]An Exclusive, Unified Circle Of Creative, Inimitable, Artistic and Musically Inclined Youngsters. A Group Of People Who Express Themselves Through Music And Art.[/b] [img]http://nightfallclan.ucoz

[quote=the_legend_killer]I’m at the top of the top but still I climb And if I should ever fall, the ground will then turn to wine Pop, Pop, I feel like flying, then I feel like frying, then I feel like dying =([/quote] hello mr poetry :D [quote=As cicatrizes]why cant she say it?[/quote] mmm... difficult question =) i never watch the movie also :lol: so i dunno why =( [i]but if she cant say it to him, why dont she say it to me =([/i]

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