2008-09-22 14:59:30

» SuperFTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]An Exclusive, Unified Circle Of Creative, Inimitable, Artistic and Musically Inclined Youngsters. A Group Of People Who Express Themselves Through Music And Art.[/b] [img]http://nightfallclan.ucoz

Whew!!! im back!!! :paranoid::paranoid: Update: Nothing has been done so far, it's still the same old system :wallbash: anyone can still play around with that button..:wallbash: [quote=the_legend_killer]actually this account is my second account i just test it in my first account and who cares anyway im a rule breaker remember spamming and everything around here[/quote] =D=D=D [quote=nanix84]Are you sure? Is he successful in rejoining?[/quote] Success, Bro!!! success!!! :thumbsup: I'm back for good! [quote=Infamous J]He was testing the leave group button....now, I can confirm that he is just waiting for approval to re-join the group. Guess that part is up to our spammer leader to hurry up and do.[/quote] It took Col. General one hour to approve my request :crybaby::crybaby: [b]update: [/b] i have revived my suggestion and posted at the confessions as well.. :wallbash:

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