2008-09-25 10:23:09

As cicatrizes
» SuperFTalker
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Re: [b]An Exclusive, Unified Circle Of Creative, Inimitable, Artistic and Musically Inclined Youngsters. A Group Of People Who Express Themselves Through Music And Art.[/b] [img]http://nightfallclan.ucoz

[quote=the_legend_killer]very well said =D im waiting for the aswang clan to pact and im thinking of jie's clan or your clan =)[/quote] [b]lolz.,we also have to make pact.,i hope we both reach 30 flags at the same time =D[/b] [quote=eney0715]Any of you here can suggest a really good song??..I can't think of on weh..I am soo downloading songs right now.. :lol: (Spamming isn't the only thing I know..Piracy too.. =D )[/quote] [b]all alesana songs.,please eneyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy?especially their album "where myth fades into legend" [/b]:P [quote=Infamous J]Hi, sis. Yeah, I slept okay. =) How was your day?[/quote] [b]oh.,it was okay.,slept the whole afternoon., woke up at 4Pm., went online., bought some food.,coke.,pringles., and then.,online,^______________^ i had a little headache awhile ago but it's gone.,it really disappeared when kuya jie gave me a call. :wasted:[/b] [quote=Ehcnalb]MabeL Oh nothing.. It's abno for me to hear(or see) words like that. Buwaha! =D[/quote] [b]nyehaha? it sounds cool and corny to me at the same time., [/b]:lol:

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