Re: [quote]RULES:
[li]Eveyone must know the General Forum [url=]RULES[/url][/li]
[li]must be active[/li]
[li]must be friendly[/li]
[li]spamming or flamming
rapidly but..
pada jarang nge-post here...[/quote]
ok2, at least, dis group becomin more popular....
so now, i gonna recruit some of other member 2 join our group......
gonna HELP section....
[quote=robbinhood]i think yes, mas teguh is back to his village in bangka belitung ..
now, he can online from internet cafe, and that's connection is so slow ..
hahahahaha ... [/quote]
hho.. ok2 thnx 4 tha information....
i appreciate it dude..