[quote=charlessiason]nice trick dude! im using it on my profile but 1 question why is it the shout out box are not affected by the trick? just wondering hehe anyways tnx for the trick![/quote]
sooooooooooo late reply


try this one
[quote]/* GRUNDGE EFFECT */
.commonbox {
filter:blur(add=true direction=180 strength=20) alpha(opacity=80);
.commonbox .evenrow {
filter:blur(add=true direction=180 strength=20) alpha(opacity=80);
.controlpanel {
filter:blur(add=true direction=180 strength=20) alpha(opacity=80);
.controlpanel .so, .minicontrolpanel .so {
filter:blur(add=true direction=180 strength=20) alpha(opacity=80);
.controlpanel .sol, .minicontrolpanel .sol {
filter:blur(add=true direction=180 strength=20) alpha(opacity=80);
.controlpanel .sob, .minicontrolpanel .sob {
filter:blur(add=true direction=180 strength=20) alpha(opacity=80);