if this thread is spam,,mod can close it..
first i have no idea why my other profille suddenly susended but when i saw thread..
i know the reason why my profile suspended....
by accidently my profille full of tweaks..
this is...
[url=http://profiles.friendster.com/70423562]MY suspended profile[/url]
this is main translation from that thread to prevent other people got suspended..
why my profile suspended because i hidding adds banner, Freindster logo, and footer but great posibiliity because tweaks friendster profile itself..
so i just reckon to all of you who didnt know this information..UNHIDE three of them..
maybe you havent had the concequences but i have and this is real..
so please UNHIde Three of tHEm and read TOS terms of service from friendster..
tnx you..
sorry if my english is not good..
Last edited by aFgHInZ (2008-09-27 06:40:13)