2008-10-03 10:34:49

» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center] [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AKQLoYV23I8[/youtube] [img]http://i48.tinypic.com/282qjc8.png[/img] [quote]For more kalokohan, visit our unofficial site: [url]http://thescandale

just sharin` sum knowledge.. exclusively fow the scandalers. and smart users..~ [spoiler]UNLIMITED TEXT TO ALL NETWORK. no expiration date..~ ~haha there you gow.. go here :arrow: http://smart.com.ph/buddy :arrow: click [b]web connect[/b] :arrow: dont haev an account?? sign up.~!!! :arrow: already a member??~~ sign in.click [b]text reconnection[/b] :arrow: scroll down [img]http://i35.tinypic.com/2gt3ga0.jpg[/img] woooops dont click!! its not as simple as dat.. haha ~ pick yer fown ~ be sure dat u haev 2-3 airtime balance and yer not [b]unlimited.alltext20.20. ect. [/b] ~ then hit it!! and start sending empty mes. at [b]222[/b] keep on sending!!! when u noticed dat it keeps on sending well it means u maed it!! lol. :lol: wen it FAILED.NOT SENT.CHECK OPERATOR SERVICE. yer not lucky =| .. try doing it sum other time..~ it is proven and tested.. haha.. i experienced 1week unli to all net. but sum it onli last fer 2-4 days..~ =) BUT if u succeded dat unli to all net. ~ better to gm all the names in yer fone book and tell them not to call u ~ dont load yer sim 30.60.115.. weee dont~!!! ~ dont call anybody IF U DIDNT FOLLOW THOSE BUT'S YER EFFORT IS USELESS. :eh: ~ done!!! enjoi sending unlimted txt to all net network.. GOOD LUCK~!!![/spoiler]

Last edited by 'AphrOdiTe' (2008-10-03 10:37:33)

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