[b]Jerrie[/b] Huwee- Thanks :] IMY too

[b]Kuya Dondon | Pooh[/b] IMY too very much

Aheehee-- It was [s]fine[/s] fun there

It was just like Philippines there. Loool~ The Weather? In Cairo: it's warm (fine lang), In Alexandria: it's warm from morning-afternoon, but kind of cold at night

Huwee-- It was really fun, but I got really tired when we got to the airport (12:30 midnight in Egypt)

that I kept sleeping wherever we go XP Aheehee-- BTW, nice avatar

[b]Andrea | Dhee[/b] I want to exchange fansigns with you

I'll be making one right now (ASAP)

[b]To all who needs a HELLO[/b] Lool~ Hello!

:] Aheehee-- Wala lang

Who also wants to exchange fansigns?