Aww. Mamii I miss You too and Of course mai Kapz-- Gemandi.

Uhh-- i can't concentrate well on mai kalokohan. I've been a verry good gal this days because mai kapz is out.

Err-- I miss You Both

And of course mai SOULMATE cess.

[b]Louiz[/b] Cute Eh? Everyone LAUGH.

Algebra? Sure. Haha. Post it here

-- mai classmates always tease me as a walking calculator. HATE them.

Uhh-- I mean i lalab them. <33~
[b]Jhed[/b] Aww You post it here. Me and Mai kaka were keeping that smiley.

Too Bad. ;_;
[b]Bear[/b] Yeah. And taht was you.

Aww. I remember you crush mai Crush Ninah.


Wakaka. Imma miss mai old hair.

If you're a cosplayer its a must to change hair 1 month or even 3 weeks. X3
Yeah. So I hate being a cosplayer.

Err-- i'll told my parents to stop those stuffs. ;_;
I don't need any money at all--

Err. Imma give fansigns. X3