2008-10-11 11:32:20

» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][img]http://i39.tinypic.com/juahsn.png[/img][/align]

[quote][b]Rei Ryuzaki Wrote:[/b] ^ no prob X3 hehehee yeah,she really great :thumbsup: she haev a great talent. acitve? hmpp,i dunno :paranoid:[/quote] ohh.okeii...by the way wat's up wid the drawing contest? [b]BTW`[/b] thanxs alyssarae17 for sharing the site... ur question: I just want to ask guys if anyone of you here is GOOD in Math? My Answer: sori i am not good at math.hehe.maibe sis bembi and rei ryuzaki is good at it.hehe:eh::lol:

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