2008-10-14 20:15:24

» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][img]http://i39.tinypic.com/juahsn.png[/img][/align]

[quote=theejhay]you can call me whatever you want. =P[/quote] I'll just call u bro Tj:) [quote=theejhay]yeah great idea sis. but we can just do one at a time since it's just our group. and we can save other contests for the next months. anyways, need more suggestion guys. we can make this work[/quote] yeah one at a time. lol the sky is the limit:lol: @ate Bembi -what makes u so busy sis? hmmm.. [quote=theejhay]yea sure. but i wanna make a rule. for the contests. "if you ever win the previous contest, you are not allowed to join on the next month's contest. but you can join again the next month. " is it alright? so we can have chance for others to win. =P[/quote] -yes! give chance to others hehe

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