[quote=aich]Maybe Ill just keep myself busy to forget the 3 years we had.[/quote]
gawd,. uv been together for 3 years? :
antaray ah.. its hard to move on ahh..
ive been trying to forget someone.. and its really hard..

ate denise -- yiii.. i missed u!!! im trying to think about why some are leaving FU.. im not seeing any problems here.. the people are fun.. but why? i sometimes think is it because of the handling of the leader??

gaad.. hey guys.. this is a secret ahh. its not a rant.. just want to share this to you guys..
[spoiler]its not fun there in singles.. thats my first group.. didnt stayed for long.. nobody welcomed me when i first came there..

they're not nmmncn wen ur posting.. aun.
hey no offense ah, sssshh.. secrreeet..
