Pages: 12

  2008-10-18 03:25:35

» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

[b]Image Rotator for banner, for friends box and for photo gallery[/b] [b]Credits:[/b] Loyce Bradley Petrey( and Dynamic Drive ( I edited so

[quote=vinok]edit this part ['userid1', 'URL of banner1', 'Title 1'], // ['URL to linked page', 'URL to image', 'Caption under picture']// ['userid2', 'URL of banner2', 'Title 2'], // The caption is not required and may be left blank like this: // ['userid3', 'URL of banner3', 'Title 3'], // ['URL to linked page', 'URL to image', '']// ['userid4', 'URL of banner4', 'Title 4'], // Add as many images as you like seperated by commmas// ['userid5', 'URL of banner5', 'Title 5'], // Almost ALL errors are caused by the url or path being wrong // ['userid6', 'URL of banner6', 'Title 6'] // The LAST image declaration does NOT have a comma after it // edit userid(optional), url of banner, title(optional) then save as bannerRotator.js on your webhost Code: //BANNER ROTATOR var js = document.createElement("script"); js.type = "text/javascript"; js.src = "url of banerRotator.js"; document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(js); put the url of banerRotator.js and add this code to your js.[/quote] [align=center][/align][quote]sed <3s y0u[/quote]

Pages: 12

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