2008-10-18 07:07:28

» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [size=4][align=center][b][color=gray]"Happy 32nd Monthsary Ftalk University :)!" [/b][/align][/size][/color] [align=center][b](former FriendsterTalk University)[/b][/align] [align=center][i]July 17 20

[align=center]Is your heart heavy over a sick friend or family member? Do you wish there were something you could do to help? You can take your friend or family member to the Lord in prayer. Here is a Bible verse and a prayer to help you ask God for healing.[/align] Hit teh Spoiler... :thumbsdown: [spoiler]CREDITS: idol simpleMe proceed here............................................ :thumbsdown: [align=center][url=http://artmann28.fileave.com/BIBLEversePRAYER%20.html]BIBLE vesre & PRAYER[/url][/align][/spoiler]

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