12 Spiritual Lessons from 'Prince Caspian'
[i]By Kris Rasmussen[/i][i][/i]
[i]Lessons found at beliefnet.com[/i]
It has been more than two years since moviegoers had a chance to visit the magical, m
[quote=zzamae]Fixed our eyes on Jesus...fear not for God is with us! i remember Peter here who followed Jesus on the water...he walked over the water but as the wind blew ...he felt Fear..and begun to sink..[/quote]
yepsz.. strongly agree with u ate zzmae..^^[quote=zzamae]nice review gladz...you made me glad...naks!![/quote]
ur welcome ate zzmae^^..
u make me [b]glad[/b] 2.. heehehe