~cite some best tourist spot in your City..
~food specialty
~if u r a tourist guide wat will be ur souvenier to dem..hahahaha..
Go!!! Go!!! Go!!!
[spoiler]*Garden of Eden..
*Phil. Eagle
~cite some best tourist spot in your City..
~food specialty
~if u r a tourist guide wat will be ur souvenier to dem..hahahaha..
Go!!! Go!!! Go!!!
[spoiler]*Garden of Eden..
*Phil. Eagle
*Crocodile Farm
*Gap Farm
*People's park
~rambotan(don't knw f familiar b 2 s inu)^_^
~hmmmm..don't know our food specialty..hihihi..
~a key chain w/ davao printed on it..[/spoiler]
kw nmn...^_^