[b]The Start of the Reaction/Excitement[/b]
aw reading them is kinda not kind but really boooooooooooooooooorrrrrriiinnng....
people tend to use them as there blog... ahahaha... i confess i dont care what people p0st!
all i kn0w is yar still p0sting n0n-sense confession!
[b]The Example[/b]
what if ill p0st i confess my m0m bought me brand new havaianas or Crocs or watever brand you think!
I DOOOONNNTT CARE!! - but really my m0m bought me hava from davao! promise!
i swear!
diba you d0nt care?!
Yabang lng ha?
[b]Climax Reaction[/b]
recently i d0nt p0st confessions there? why? its kinda boooriing.. waste of time & no 0ne will goin to read it!
and infact n0 one will ever react 0n it!
aw its like MMK portion or shall i say true to life Booorrriiinnnggg stories or just made up stories...
...s0me parts i think where where fabricated! false part! which i d0nt really care...
im n0t siting that people made up stories... its possible... but n0t all!
Sorry if im too frank & straight to the point...
at least walang pasik0t!
My Conclusion[/b]
my conclusion is sho0t 2 kill th0se people wh0 makes 0fftopic...
what if make a Confession discussion thread on a n0n-counting p0st section!
we'll see if someone will really react..
or what if make a thread with your daily experience
nice huh? diary... ok lng kahit boring, you can tell y0ur life story here!
[b]The Not so Important Part[/b]
ahahaha... sorry if im to harsh... im als0 guilty of p0sting diary/loveletter/n0 sense notions!
or so watever reas0n! lowl
Peace 0ut!
[i]Added this line[/i]...
Sorry if im s0 on the [b]Defense Mechanism[/b] (Reaction Formation & rationalization)
[b]the Quote[/b]
[quote]if reading my p0st will make you bbboooo-aa-rrreedd what more
if you reading the diary/ confession p0st![/quote]
Last edited by karuro72002 (2008-10-25 03:43:48)