
, hahah still kinda sleepy, u?

[b]If you checked out my post in the previous page, you'll see...Oh, who cares, I'll post it here....
Anything new??[/b]
I'm still [i]mourning[/i] from bro guile's....[i]departure[/i]....

[quote=Infamous J]Nope. Once you leave the group, you're not allowed to come back. That's the rules of the group.

Oh...But didn't you leave the group once??
Well, that's really sad....

Did he leave us to go to another group?
The fluffy clouds in the blue sky expand, oh so deep....
As we lower our heads to dream and sleep...
Just kidding. I'm sleepy but no way I'm sleeping.
Last edited by oOpunkrockeranimeOo (2008-10-26 11:00:06)