[b]Mai Poknat[/b]---
Nice, [u]o-ber, do-ber[/u] fine?

Mai ischool-ing?

The horror


Getting so complicating each week [b]ToT[/b] awwww, hope I'll pass this quarter & hope I'll achieve [b]Rank 1[/b] again

Or maybe at the Top 5, over-all *in my freakin' dreams

I must try harder. Huwenk- & school's so fun. When it's break time, me & mai barkadazzz go out (at the courts) together, eat outside, Lol always

I lab them so much!! I couldn't survive school without them. Lols *drama time

Okays, enough with the long story

Hmm, how's your Lab-Laiff?


*weee Hello [b]^o^[/b] Lol

Do I have to do the "long story" again?

Well, still the same things here. Labyew so much


Hmm, BTW, how is you? How are you? How was you? How were you? [b]XD[/b] Lols, no more long story?

Errm, [s]Be[/s][u]Right[/u][i]Back[/i] everyone.
I'mma make a lot of fansigns today

Gotta run. [b]Sayonara[/b] *ruuuunnnn...