Pages: 12

  2008-10-28 05:51:37

» FTalkElite
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[b]Quotes:[/b] [quote][b]Friends[/b] [i]By: Arby Catalan[/i] PERFECT friends exist in times but in real life even I'm your HATEST it's just okay as long as I myself will let you always remember that

[b]Quotes:[/b] [quote][b]Friends[/b] [i]By: Arby Catalan[/i] PERFECT friends exist in times but in real life even I'm your HATEST it's just okay as long as I myself will let you always remember that I treat you as one of my treasured friends that I will keep.[/quote] [quote][b]Your Heart[/b] [i]By Mariole[/i] Alwayz lizten to ur heart cauze even though its on your left side its alwayz right. <33[/quote] [quote][b]School And Life[/b] [i]By Cassandra Truz[/i] Do you know what's the difference about school and life? In school you are taught of a lesson and then given you're a test, But In life you're given a test then it teaches you a lesson. :3[/quote] [quote][b]ScotchTape[/b] [i]By Cassandra Truz[/i] With Every Girl with a broken heart, there's always a boy with a scotchtape.[/quote] [quote][b]Hidden Message[/b] [i]By Ivhan Baculi[/i] In EvEr SiNgLe LeTtEr, In EvEr SiNgLE WoRd, ThErE WiLl Be A HiDdEn MeSsAge AbOuT A BoY ThAt LOVES A GiRl.[/quote] [quote][b]Pretend[/b] [i]By Czarina Mendaros[/i] IT'S HARD TO PRETEND THAT YOU LIKE SOMEONE BUT YOU DON'T BUT IT'S HARDER TO PRETEND THAT YOU DON'T LIKE SOMEONE EVEN THOUGH YOU DO.[/quote] [quote][b]Incomprehensible[/b] [i]By Ceci Cinco[/i] The most incomprehensible thing in the world is that it is comprehensible.[/quote] [quote][b]Dreams Come Undone[/b] [i]By Lady Love Bangquiao[/i] As YoU gO tHrU LiFe YoU'lLe SeE,,tHeRe Is So MuCh ThAt We,DoN't UnDeRsTaNd,,AnD tHe OnLy ThInG wE kNoW,,iS tHiNgS dOn'T aLWaYs Go,, ThE wAy We'Ve PlAnNeD.. bUt YoU'lLe SeE eVeRyDaY,,tHaT i'Ll NeVeR tUrN aWaY wHeN iT sEeMeD aLl YoUr DrEaMs CoMe UnDonE[/quote] [quote][b]Good Girl[/b] [i]By Fatima Inocian[/i] I'm a good gurl with lots of bad habits.[/quote] [quote][b]Why?[/b] [i]By Chelsea Ewican[/i] WHY IS IT YOU HATE ME WHEN EVERYTHING I DID WAS LOVING YOU???!!![/quote] [quote][b]Love[/b] [i]By Kimberly Cates Akiatan[/i] Love is not like a recipe that makes six servings,and the seventh person who shows up has to go away hungry.With love, everyone gets second and third helpings and there's always enough for one more.[/quote] [quote][b]I May[/b] [i]By Me[/i] I may not be intelligent, I may not be beautiful, I may not be who you want to talk with, But what's inside me is more important.[/quote] [hr][hr] [align=center][quote]I'll be givin' more next time. :3 Comments are highly appreciated. :3[/quote] [/align]

Last edited by Nahz.Is.Fab (2008-11-13 08:13:08)

Pages: 12

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