[quote=CuTeUkoi]wahahaha,...wow!! nyc topic huh!!
well juz look at mah playlist at fs
lots of rockstahz musics there..
i used to play piano,..
love playin guitar
bass and acoustics,.,.
music is mah life so as rock!!![/quote]
nice ukoi ^^ .. who knew.. our little ukoi plays piano..

.. "sana ako din"
ohh,, here's mine
we'll i'm into reggae accoustic right now.. i'm on vocals..me and my band plays in a certain resort.. hahahaha.. yah .. it's a resort!! a freakin resort i tell yah!!!.. hahahaha.. of all the places

.. well back to the topic. i'm a rockstar cuz i love music.. and i love you guys...
[spoiler]stop talking about who left, why they left, how much you miss them..
i miss them too, we have to stop being sorry for what we've lost...
cheer up guys.. do it for the group .. love you poh..
