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[b]Applying Strokes In Gimp [With more comlicated steps than the normal stroking steps][/b]
[b]Requirements: [/b]
Gimp [any version]
1. Create a new Image then Add Text Layer. Here, I chose Yellow,Century Gothic Bold,36 px.
2. Next Step, Click Layer>Transparency>Alpha To Selection. You`ll have Moving Ants around the Text like this:
3. Then, Click Select>Grow. I chose 2 px.
4. Duplicate the Text layer then click on the [b]lower[/b] Text layer.
5.Use the [img][/img] tool to fill the selected part. Make sure that you have set it to [b]Normal and "Fill whole selection" and 100 Opacity.[/b]
6. Then, you`ll have result like this:
7. Finally, to remove the moving ants or the selected part, Just press Shift+Ctrl+A.
And Taaaddaaa!!! You`re done! Hurraaah! Success!
[b]The finished product:[/b]
Note: You can experiment using this. You can add scanline on your strokes too or you can make more strokes with different colors. Just use your imagination. Be artistic.

Sorry if the instructions are not that clear but I`ve tried my best for everyone to understand it. Hope it can help you!

[b]Credits to:[/b]
Gimp 2.0
MS paint for the screenshots
Tinypic-->Image Hosting

And Of course, Me and Me and Me.

[align=right]------> Ninch[/align]
Last edited by charm_caster0604 (2008-10-29 22:13:17)