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  2008-10-29 22:11:45

» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

To the Mods: [spoiler]Please close, delete, trash or dispatch this thread if it is being duplicated or non-sense.[/spoiler] [b]Applying Strokes In Gimp [With more comlicated steps than the normal str

To the Mods: [spoiler]Please close, delete, trash or dispatch this thread if it is being duplicated or non-sense.[/spoiler] [b]Applying Strokes In Gimp [With more comlicated steps than the normal stroking steps][/b] [b]Requirements: [/b] Gimp [any version] Patience Creativity 1. Create a new Image then Add Text Layer. Here, I chose Yellow,Century Gothic Bold,36 px. [spoiler][img][/img] [img][/img][/spoiler] 2. Next Step, Click Layer>Transparency>Alpha To Selection. You`ll have Moving Ants around the Text like this: [spoiler][img][/img] [img][/img][/spoiler] 3. Then, Click Select>Grow. I chose 2 px. [spoiler][img][/img][/spoiler] 4. Duplicate the Text layer then click on the [b]lower[/b] Text layer. [spoiler][img][/img] [img][/img][/spoiler] 5.Use the [img][/img] tool to fill the selected part. Make sure that you have set it to [b]Normal and "Fill whole selection" and 100 Opacity.[/b] [spoiler][img][/img][/spoiler] 6. Then, you`ll have result like this: [spoiler][img][/img][/spoiler] 7. Finally, to remove the moving ants or the selected part, Just press Shift+Ctrl+A. And Taaaddaaa!!! You`re done! Hurraaah! Success! [b]The finished product:[/b] [img][/img] Note: You can experiment using this. You can add scanline on your strokes too or you can make more strokes with different colors. Just use your imagination. Be artistic. =) Sorry if the instructions are not that clear but I`ve tried my best for everyone to understand it. Hope it can help you! :D [b]Credits to:[/b] Gimp 2.0 MS paint for the screenshots Tinypic-->Image Hosting :wow: And Of course, Me and Me and Me. :lol: [align=right]------> Ninch[/align]

Last edited by charm_caster0604 (2008-10-29 22:13:17)

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