[quote=cops]mao na........
di fti juga menyediakan kmus bahasa bahasa aneh yasist
capek kali pala ne ngartiiin na...
[b]i dont understand. [/b][img]http://i328.photobucket.com/albums/l354/AsCicatrizes/ym%20emticon/24.gif[/img][img]http://i328.photobucket.com/albums/l354/AsCicatrizes/ym%20emticon/24.gif[/img]
[quote=TA Juleigtin Siahaan]>> mabel
auw..please call me july

Just wanna know

uhmm..you're still so young

[b]okay july, august,.,september.[/b][img]http://i328.photobucket.com/albums/l354/AsCicatrizes/ym%20emticon/24.gif[/img]
[b]19?im old enough to have a boyfriend.[/b]

[b]my pamangkin: i already PM'd her. sankyuu for approving my reply to her.,i hope she will now understand everything.[/b]

[quote=cops]me 2
aq juga kagak ngerti bilangna.
tapi artina tau
cemana donks ne bule...
bahasa yg memisah kan kita
[b]wahahahahahahah!!!! sorry for making your head ache, bro.[/b]

[quote=cops]mase 19 taon to?>[/quote]
[b]err...you mean if im 19? yeah.[/b]

[b]you can check my FS.[/b]
Last edited by As cicatrizes (2008-10-29 23:12:37)