[b][color=red]centered profile-w/o friendlist[/color][/b]
css code:
just edit the value stated..
[color=red][b]centered profile - w friendlist[/b][/color]
[b]css code:[/b]
save ur file to hosting site get the complete url and insert to css inject
make 5 featured friends instead of six to fit it to ur box..
but if u will insist of fitting them all look for topic new imag codes to alter ur pictures properties
[b]js code:[/b]
u may reposition ur friends in anypart just change the [color=red]0[/color] in the codes to any box number u want it to appear next
[quote]Control Panel = 0
Photo = 1
Reviews = 12
Blogs = 13
About me = 6
Comments/Testiminials = 18
Media Box/Scrap Book = 10[/quote]
now its js use js linker
[color=red][b]one box style- media box only[/b][/color]
[b]css code[/b]
[color=red]just edit the value[/color]
explaination of the content [/color]
[quote]#content_14>>> for the google ads
#navigation >> for things that appear above
.commonbox h1, .commonbox h2 >>>>> for the title of each box
and the rest are self explanatory hehehe
.controlpanel div
.friends div
.photos div
.moreabout div
.publiccomments div
.Application div
.reviews div
.fanof div
.groups div
.meettrail div
.blogs div[/quote]
here how it will look like :
[color=red][b]to all not because i entitle it centered profile it means its limitted only to center page..
if u want ur proffy rendered leftside or rytside style... just change the left value okie..[/b][/color]
Last edited by switpotato (2008-11-02 13:32:17)