2008-10-31 01:41:17

» FTalkAgent
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Re: Ehhhmm.. :cool: Sesuai dengan judulnya jadi diharapkan kepada teman2 semuanya tolong untuk ketertiban dan keteraturan Forum FT Indonesia,maka saya sengaja membuat topic ini.. :eh: :disgust: Hal i

[quote=As cicatrizes]White Protector,,zefa..:D class-s? i dont like to join there. I dont belong there.:lol:[/quote] wanna protect newbie? ooh! i know why you want to join there. well, just one of your reasons, i think. nizam? :eh: [quote=As cicatrizes]hhmmmm.,i dunno.,i think she was online this week.,you never know coz she's invi. but her friendster is last log in:24 hrs.=([/quote] she also has an acc in fs? oh, i'll see then. well, rockstars' soo quite. :( [quote=As cicatrizes]yeah.,he will leave the group again.,yep,it will be permanent., =) actually when we chat last night., he told me to create a group here and he will join., also orio and kuya jie and kuya jesse.,[/quote] who's orio, anyway? i think i haven't met him. [quote=As cicatrizes]you're right sis.,tsk.,if you were there that time.,how would you feel?=([/quote] angry! :evil:

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