hmmm nice topic!!
always iam thinking if this !!
who is the batter then the other ??
imean for me yagami light is the best !! NO can be like HIM !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
icant choose any one!!
BUT lelouch T___T he is amizing !!really ilove him
all of them are coooooooooool and amizing !!
but if ihave to!!
ok lets think !!
what is light ?
and what is lelouch ?
lelouch .. he have alots of reasons to fight his own father , and built new world for his own sis !!
he always thinking about his sis !! did U get what iam tring to say ?
BUT light when we think yeah he havent the right to do this !!
the world is suck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and the people they r more sucker then this stupid world !!!!!!!!
but he was not have the right to kill them !! cos he is not acup !! or someone he can kill or he have the right to kill ...but ilike him foe this!! , IWISH ican kill these stupid people!! just like him T__T
and every one know that he was so crazy after L died ,, he was killing every one in his way !!!
oooooooooh iam talkingalot== but still idont say what iwant to say=.=
any way ^^""""
what iam tring to say !
that light ... really no one can be like him....
and lelouch too T_T
BUT ..
sour light is the best^^
yup .. light *.*
he is very cool , he is very awsome !!
so my vote will be for him T.T
about who is the smarter ?
sour both of them r ^^
lolo and light^^
but light he know how to play !! plays in dangers ways and thinking

Deserves to rule the world?
both of them
but igusse here
lelouch maybe he is the best to be the leader of this world!!
cos light LOL his is crazy !! he has forget him self

and he a cold man he have no feelings at all >>> ilike him cos he is soooo cold

so maybe he will be not fair anough ^^
and he is killer !! no one can say " no he is not" !!!!!!!!!!!!
thinks for this topic^^
Last edited by bloody kira (2008-11-01 07:14:20)