[quote=bad_boy20]don't let the time be wasted.. tell her what u really feel and don't be afraid of taking any risk coz lyy if full of risks.. how will u know if she is in to u if u won't tell her ryt??!! learn to face ur fears.. or else u'll end up regreting the time u have wasted and u will lose her and it would be to late.. grab the chance right now..[/quote]
[b]yeah i always loose so many time.. like i did a few months ago.. i think I already got it a the 1st time i tried.. but the only thing that came in the way was my fears..[/b]
[quote=camzky_thriz]honestly, you're the only one who can help yourself
better overcome that fear[/quote]
[b]I should!!! I really need to take risk.. actually some times..[/b]
[align=center][b]I in the right right!!! TIME at the right right place!! I cant just seem to DO IT..[/b][/align]