[quote=As cicatrizes]

who taught you how to speak like that?????

i learn with my wife...
[quote=As cicatrizes]okay, go marry gita. i will also marry johnny depp.

hahahha...really.....i go now....dont find me ok...

[quote=andHa]but gita gutawa is a girl bro.
a young girl.

u have a knowledge in gita gutawa's songs.
better than me.
i never heard jalan lurus b4.

have u heard the original version of sempurna ?
the original artist is andra and the backbone.[/quote]
sorry if i wrong grammar.
i think him = dia
he = for male
she = for girl
correct me if i wrong...
i have this song from andra and the backbone.
i think the original version from gita....now i know.....