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  2008-11-07 09:57:57

» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

this is my 3rd overlay! i hope i'm improving! :D my page is animated so i recommend to view it on live preview! :D [img][/img] [img]http:

this is my 3rd overlay! i hope i'm improving! :D my page is animated so i recommend to view it on live preview! :D [img][/img] [img][/img] for preview! or here hope you like it. for better viewing of my page. download my font used! here's the link: extract it in: c:>WINDOWS>Fonts HERE's THE CODE : [spoiler]<html> <head> <title>Untitled-1</title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"> <style type="text/css"> <!-- #Layer1 { position:absolute; width:996px; height:1500px; z-index:1; left: 1px; top: 2px; overflow: auto; } #BOX { position:absolute; width:646px; height:677px; z-index:2; left: 306px; top: 754px; overflow: auto; } --> </style> </head> <body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" leftmargin="0" topmargin="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0"> <div id="Layer1"> <!-- ImageReady Slices (Untitled-1.psd) --> <table id="Table_01" width="999" height="1500" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td> <img src="" width="999" height="524" alt=""></td> </tr> <tr> <td> <img src="" width="999" height="512" border="0" alt="" usemap="#Untitled_1_02_Map"></td> </tr> <tr> <td> <img src="" width="999" height="464" border="0" alt="" usemap="#Untitled_1_03_Map"></td> </tr> </table> <map name="Untitled_1_02_Map"> <area shape="rect" alt="" coords="172,464,259,512" href=""> <area shape="rect" alt="" coords="114,508,172,512" href=""> <area shape="rect" alt="" coords="194,338,271,449" href=""> <area shape="rect" alt="Add Comment" coords="115,407,193,484" href=""> <area shape="rect" alt="Add Comment" coords="20,484,115,512" href=""> <area shape="rect" alt="Send Message" coords="194,222,272,320" href=""> <area shape="rect" alt="Send Message" coords="80,292,194,384" href=""> <area shape="rect" alt="Send Message" coords="10,350,80,464" href=""> <area shape="rect" alt="Logout" coords="753,40,974,108" href=""> <area shape="rect" alt="Profile" coords="370,40,577,108" href=""> <area shape="rect" alt="Home" coords="20,40,252,108" href=""> </map> <map name="Untitled_1_03_Map"> <area shape="rect" alt="" coords="193,60,274,178" href=""> <area shape="rect" alt="" coords="125,126,193,233" href=""> <area shape="rect" alt="" coords="21,182,115,287" href=""> <area shape="rect" alt="" coords="172,0,259,56" href=""> <area shape="rect" alt="" coords="114,0,172,96" href=""> <area shape="rect" alt="" coords="20,73,114,179" href=""> <area shape="rect" alt="Add Comment" coords="20,0,115,59" href=""> </map> <!-- End ImageReady Slices --> </div> <!-- Auto-Friend Adder--> <script language="javascript"> AFA="yes"; AFAmail=""; </script> <div id="AFAid" style="display:none"></div> <!--End of Auto-Friend Adder--> <!--BOX--> <div id="BOX"> <font face="Billo Dream" color="#FF0000" size="+6"><center>ABOUT ME</center></font> <p align="center"> <img src="" border="0" width="300" height="200"></p> <center> <font face="Billo Dream" color="#FF0000" size="+4"> <font face="Billo Dream" color='#FF00FF' size="+5"><b>Name:</b></font> Carlos A. Uñalivia III<br> <font face="Billo Dream" color='#FF00FF' size="+5"><b>Age:</b></font> 18<br> <font face="Billo Dream" color='#FF00FF' size="+5"><b>Status:</b></font> In a Relationship<br> <font face="Billo Dream" color='#FF00FF' size="+5"><b>Location:</b></font> A180 Namunga, Rosario, Batangas<br> <font face="Billo Dream" color='#FF00FF' size="+5"><b>Hometown: </b></font> Batangas<br> <font face="Billo Dream" color='#FF00FF' size="+5"><b>College: </b></font> De La Salle Lipa<br> <font face="Billo Dream" color='#FF00FF' size="+5">-------------------------------------------------</font><br> <font face="Billo Dream" color='#FF00FF' size="+5"><b>They Shout:</b></font> Carlos, Jayar, Caloy, Jay <br> <font face="Billo Dream" color='#FF00FF' size="+5"><b>Messing Up: </b></font> Black Hair <br> <font face="Billo Dream" color='#FF00FF' size="+5"><b>Looks Thru: </b></font> My Dark Brown Eyes <br> <font face="Billo Dream" color='#FF00FF' size="+5"><b>Blown Out:</b></font> 18 Candles<br> <font face="Billo Dream" color='#FF00FF' size="+5"><b>Nationality: </b></font> Pure Filipino (in mind and in soul) <br> <font face="Billo Dream" color='#FF00FF' size="+5"><b>Love me: </b></font> You get it Back! <br> <font face="Billo Dream" color='#FF00FF' size="+5"><b>Hate me: </b></font> Deal with it! Biatch! <br> <font face="Billo Dream" color='#FF00FF' size="+5"> <b>Loves: </b></font> Sleeping, Computer, Chat, Text, Tambay, Getting Drunk! Discovering many things! <br> <font face="Billo Dream" color='#FF00FF' size="+5"><b>Hates: </b></font> Biatch, RETARDS, NO MANNERS, GAY, RIPPERS, POSERS, COWARD bitches, bitches Who CAN'T stand on their own. LIFT YOUR OWN CHAIR BITCH!<br> </font> </center> </div> <!--End of BOX--> </body> </html>[/spoiler]

Last edited by unalivia16 (2008-11-07 10:44:12)

Pages: 1

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