2008-11-07 20:16:33

» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b][color=#ff0a00]S[/color][color=#ff1400]a[/color] [color=#ff2800]m[/color][color=#ff3200]g[/color][color=#ff3c00]a[/color] [color=#ff5000]b[/color][color=#ff5a00]o[/color][color=#ff6400]y[/color][co

[quote=pauline416]for boys...do you want aggressive or shy type? why is that some of you are afraid to confess their real feelings? :doubt:[/quote] for me i like shy type.. coz if it not in the nature of a gurl of being aggressive.. i want to be the aggressive one..:lol: second question.. for me.. we are afraid to confess our feelings coz we are afraid what will happen next if we are going to do it.. in short we are afraid of the consequences.. and we have a big ego..and that is true..=)..:wallbash:

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