[align=center][b]Hi Rockstars.. uhm first of all.. im not gonna busy these days so ftalk world again... ahahaha miss you all but i didn't know the other members here so pls? uhm can u introduce urself to me? to all new members that i didn't know and to the member who didn't know me i will introduce my self hahaha lol
im allan 17y/o thats all ahahaha.... just ask me if u want to know more about me aight? ^_^ uhm it seems that there are new things change in this group am i right? any events for rockstars? hehehehe.. hmmnn.. bro legend? hehehehe congrats 4 being the rockstar member of the month together with? err.. uhm cuteukoi?

whos that cute 1? weeeeeeee... aha? ~_~ well rockstars? im gonna ask this to the leader uhm is it ok to speak tagalog now? hahahaha.. i always see you here posting tagalog words is that ok ate eney? thats all ate hihihihi..
bbye now rockstars.. <33 u all!!!
