[align=center][u]Hope this wasn't posted yet.[/u]
ok, i got my idea when i read that she was ripped. I then searched on the net for another invisible player. mods, delete this if you need to. It changes when you post it in about me.
the only way to stop them from playing is to turn of the speakers or exit the page. if someone buzzes them in ym and the computer is slow, it might hang the browser and the music freezes T_T
[quote]<bgsound src="[b]soundfile.mp3[/b]" loop=100></bgsound>[/quote]
[quote]<embed src="[b]blah.mp3[/b]" hidden=true autostart=true>[/quote]
turns to this when saved (for embed)

[quote]<embed allowScriptAccess="never" allownetworking="internal" src="[b]play.mp3[/b]" hidden=true autostart=true>[/quote]
tested the 2. both works. now testing the 1st
my friendster
works on media box, about me and who i want to meet i guess. no linkers needed O.o
credits: google
(it was saved in my documents for a long time so not quite sure where i got it)[/align]
Last edited by nimiel (2008-11-09 07:38:34)