[b]^[/b] Here. Complete list of players
[spoiler]A - As cicatrizes
B - --khathateslove--
C - gratitude1
D - losher29
E - eney0715
F - zyrax86
G - dhen2x
H - gemandi
I - Bridget
J - aljelyn13
K - malow
L - Yh3t
M - dondon
O - obsessed95
P - mirhadz
Q - blueboimark011
R - iCeEcUt3
S - angeli718
T - Trixx.xii
U - jovie_toni
V - ino24
W - mjd1224
X - anncute836
Y - Yellow Flash
Z - jieduck[/spoiler]
[b]Renz[/b] OH a mega thanks. Now i understand it.

I didn't know every category has a point. (:
You'll be responsible for the spams and the counting too right?

But still im having some doubts.
[quote=renz]Pero depende pa rn poh kung may [b]katulad sila, so mababawasan scores nila 19 pababa.[/b][/quote]
What if you posted first, then someone did has the same answer way after you post
[b]EXAMPLE[/b] Think that you're mario first.
[b]Mario[/b] e.g : animals = [b]cat [/b]
[b]Clara[/b] e.g : animals = cow
[b]Angel[/b] e.g : animals = chimpanzee
[b]Peter[/b] e.g : animals = [b]cat [/b]
Will the two players got a [color=red][b]-[/b][/color]? Or will it be just 'Peter'.

[b]Gudluck. Im waiting for this.