[quote=MiNEKOARCH]huh? what eleee?

I cant get it, its just the invisible mode that's makin me a superhuman.

bad english XD hahahaha. ILY nalang. XD XD

Oh Welcome sis elee
Intro yerself using the form that i made, just scroll up.

Have fuuuuuun!

Owh..ookie..i forgot to introduce ma self with da form

Anyway..Do u have like FTALK UNiVERSiTY OFFiCiAL FONT??Liike the most used font..hehe..........

[quote=mjd1224]hello eleena..!
im justine.

Hello Justine

Can i call euuuuuuu.... tinnie?? LOL
[spoiler]Name: Eleena

Age: u caculate..i born in 1994

Location: ..........Kota Kemuning???.................
FS Url: [url=http://profiles.friendster.com/misswhateverr]STUCK iN DA HOLE Xp[/url]
YM: kawaiiprincesseleena@yahoo.com
Contact number: Private !! No looky
