[quote=engrmelvin326]is sex required for a relationship?
explain further.. lets hav a debate![/quote]
Well, i guess the most i can put it is this:
people can argue w/ premarital sex whether it's agreeable or not because it's their decision. It's not something someone can justify to because it's an opinion-based-question.
I think what you're asking is more of a survey type, which is reasonable if you say "debate" rather than many saying to discuss it.
further on, this goes for the "adults" no teens: I very much believe that premarital sex or none is something you and your partner must agree on & the decision are more successful when done in a committed relationship. Which is why i said, no teens cause likely it may fail. I myself, do not approve of premarital sex; well, both me & my partner agree on this to keep it simple, until we are settled down & married and can provide for our own family.
Last edited by sugarstyx_x (2008-11-14 18:27:49)