[quote=Lhyrickz]yah sure my dear sis
you're free to call me like that
but you're still young my dear sis[/quote]
huehehehe yupz young enought
but i`ll become 20 y.o in 4month
r u still in junior high skul my lil sist?
[quote=eney0715]awww.. i call someone dhee.. with H actually..

but i'll just call you Ayu..

because its easier to type..

err.. call me Eney..

yepz i know her too
she`s a promoter ryt??

oh hi sist eney, r u a phil?

lebih enak d dgr.[/quote]
eheu lbh enak lg klo sambil manggil nama, sekalian d trkatir gtu..