2008-11-15 18:41:52

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Re: Bagi para member yang ingin bertanya seputar tweaking FS. Silahkan bertanya dan posting disini. Sebelum itu harap membaca dan mengikuti [url=http://theftalk.com/t23371-FORUM-RULES.html][b]FORUM

[quote][b]orang baek hati :[/b] bisa liad JS kamu =)[/quote] mu'uv k".... td salah copy...:lol: ini k" [spoiler]//--------------------------------------------------------------------------PROTOTYPE CSS INJECTION var css = document.createElement("link"); css.setAttribute("rel","stylesheet"); css.setAttribute("href","http://iblismaya.fileave.com/iblismaya-layout/iblismaya.css"); document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(css); //--------------------------------------------------------------------------WELCOME ALERT// <!-- HIDE FROM OTHER BROWSERS confirm ("welcome.. anda mamasuki zona iblismaya") var c = prompt ("hi temanQue, biar aQu g' lupa nama mu!!"+"Tulis Nama dulu ya... ",'') while (c == null || c == ''){ alert('wajib tulis nama tolol...!!!!'); var c = prompt("tulis nama saja koq susah sich!! tulis yach ^_^!!!",'')} var page = document.location; var ttl = document.title; alert("Makachi ^_^" +c+ " !!semoga Qita berkawand ^_^"+"!") alert("O..ea, Salam kenal ea.. aQue ^_^ Iblismaya ^_^"); alert("klo mu machup, copot sendalnya dula ea "+pageViewerFName+"!!!"); alert("Mary ,machup "+pageViewerFName+"!!!"); //--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ // Goodbye Alert V2 // window.onbeforeunload = function (evt) { var message = ' '+pageViewerFName+'?? udah mu plng ea? dah nitip comment pa belum ^_^??'; if (typeof evt == 'undefined') { evt = window.event; } if (evt) { evt.returnValue = message; } return message; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------shout*/ var shout = "<div align=\"left\" id=\"tw\"><br></div>"; document.getElementById('cpShoutoutBox').innerHTML = "<div>"+shout+"</div>"; // EDIT BAGIAN INI var content = "Hey "+pageViewerFName+", ingatlah bahwa hidup di dunia adalah awal dari kehidupan yang sebenarnya, jadi kita harus mempersiapkan bekal untuk menuju perjalanan hidup yang sebenarnya. Hidup yang sebenarnya adalah hidup di akhirat. Maka janganlah kamu hidup di dunia ini tanpa sesuatu hal yang bermakna. Oiy, "+pageViewerFName+" jangan lupa kasih comment ya...!!! Thx"; function twDisplayTW() {twDisplay('tw',content,0);} loaded('tw',twDisplayTW); var brk = '~'; var resetTime = 1; // JANGAN EDIT BAGIAN INI function twDisplay(id,content,num) { var delay = 240; if (num <= content.length) { var lt = content.substr(0,num); document.getElementById(id).innerHTML = lt.replace(RegExp(brk,'g'),'<br \/>'); num++; if (num > content.length) delay = resetTime * 1000; } else { document.getElementById(id).innerHTML = ''; num = 0; } if (delay > 0) setTimeout('twDisplay("'+id+'","'+content+'","'+num+'")',delay); } var pageLoaded = 0; window.onload = function() {pageLoaded = 1;}; function loaded(i,f) { if (document.getElementById && document.getElementById(i) != null) f(); else if (!pageLoaded) setTimeout('loaded(\''+i+'\','+f+')',100); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* title */ function tb9_makeArray(n){ this.length = n; return this.length; } tb9_messages = new tb9_makeArray(1); tb9_messages[0] = ".::. Assalamu'alaikum wr. wb... "+pageViewerFName+" .::."; tb9_rptType = 'infinite'; tb9_rptNbr = 5; tb9_speed = 100; tb9_delay = 2000; var tb9_counter=1; var tb9_currMsg=0; var tb9_timerID = null var tb9_bannerRunning = false var tb9_state = "" tb9_clearState() function tb9_stopBanner() { if (tb9_bannerRunning) clearTimeout(tb9_timerID) tb9_timerRunning = false } function tb9_startBanner() { tb9_stopBanner() tb9_showBanner() } function tb9_clearState() { tb9_state = "" for (var i = 0; i < tb9_messages[tb9_currMsg].length; ++i) { tb9_state += "0" } } function tb9_showBanner() { if (tb9_getString()) { tb9_currMsg++ if (tb9_messages.length <= tb9_currMsg) { if ((tb9_rptType == 'finite') && (tb9_counter==tb9_rptNbr)){ tb9_stopBanner(); return; } tb9_counter++; tb9_currMsg=0; } tb9_clearState() tb9_timerID = setTimeout("tb9_showBanner()", tb9_delay) } else { var tb9_str = "" for (var j = 0; j < tb9_state.length; ++j) { tb9_str += (tb9_state.charAt(j) == "1") ? tb9_messages[tb9_currMsg].charAt(j) : "____" } document.title = tb9_str tb9_timerID = setTimeout("tb9_showBanner()", tb9_speed) } } function tb9_getString() { var full = true for (var j = 0; j < tb9_state.length; ++j) { if (tb9_state.charAt(j) == 0) full = false } if (full) return true while (1) { var num = tb9_getRandom(tb9_messages[tb9_currMsg].length) if (tb9_state.charAt(num) == "0") break } tb9_state = tb9_state.substring(0, num) + "1" + tb9_state.substring(num + 1, tb9_state.length) return false } function tb9_getRandom(max) { var now = new Date() var num = now.getTime() * now.getSeconds() * Math.random() return num % max } tb9_startBanner() //--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ function onProfileLoad() { } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*TRACKER OBJECT*/ if (typeof TRACKER == "undefined") { TRACKER = {}; } TRACKER = { style: { filter: "chroma(color='#FFFFFF')", width: '285px', height: '250px', border: '0px', overflow: 'hidden' }, attributes: { frameborder: '0', allowtransparency: 'true' }, phplink: "", exitmessage: "Makasih iaa "+pageViewerFName, /*do not edit below this line*/ /* WVMe tracker script by: Ken marfilla, http://profiles.friendster.com/mumbhaki,copyright 2007 Credits to: Friendster.com, Friendstertalk.com, Renalvir http://renalvir.zuiken.net licensed under GNU General Public License, version 2 http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html Disclaimer: NO GUARANTEE and WARRANTY provided! For educational purposes only. Authors will not be liable of ANY damage through the use of this program */ base_domain: "http://profiles.friendster.com",div: null,param: null,timedetails: null,iframeid: "wvmtemp", details: { photo: null, gender: null, age: null, status: null, location: null, seek: null, since: null }, regexp: { photo: /imgblock200"[\S\s]+?img src="([\S\s]+?)"/i, gender: />([\S]*male)/i, age: /male, ([\d]*),/i, status: /male, [\d]*, ([\S\s]+?)<\/span>/i, location: /Location\: <\/span><a[\S\s]+?>([\S\s]+?)<\/a><\/li>/i, seek: /In\: <\/span>([\S\s]+?)<\/li>/i, since: /Since\: <\/span>([\S\s]+?)<\/li>/i }, init: function() { document.getElementById("navBg").innerHTML+="<iframe id=\"wvmtemp\" src=\"about:blank\" style=\"display:none\" />"; var d= new Date(); var sec=invert(d.getTimezoneOffset()*60); var hr=invert(d.getTimezoneOffset()/60); this.timedetails="oss="+sec+"&osh="+hr; var ifsrc=this.phplink+"?"+this.timedetails; var atr=""; var sty=""; for (val in this.attributes) { atr += val +"="+ this.attributes[val]+" "; } for (val in this.style) { sty += val +":"+ this.style[val]+";"; } try {this.div=document.createElement("<div>")} catch(e){this.div=document.createElement("div")} this.div.innerHTML="<center><iframe id=\"wvm\" "+atr+"src=\""+ifsrc+"\" style=\""+sty+"\"></iframe><br /><input type=\"button\" class=\"reloadbutt\" value=\"Refresh Tracker\" onclick=\"Reload();\" style=\"border: 1px #000000 solid; background-color: c9c9c9; margin: 3px;\"></center>"; if(pageViewerID!=pageOwnerID) if(pageViewerID!="")this.getDETAILS(); }, getDETAILS: function() { processAjaxRequest("GET",this.base_domain+"/user.php?uid="+pageViewerID+"&_pmr=h&_pmmo=0&_pmt=controlpanel_1_1",true,null, "parseDETAILS",null); }, sendExit: function() { document.getElementById(this.iframeid).src=this.phplink+this.param+"&exit=1"; alert(this.exitmessage); } }; function parseDETAILS(htm) { if(!htm) { TRACKER.getDETAILS(); return; }else { for (val in TRACKER.details) { try { TRACKER.details[val]=encodeURIComponent(new RegExp(TRACKER.regexp[val]).exec(htm)[1]); } catch(e) { TRACKER.details[val]=""; } } TRACKER.param="?owner="+pageOwnerID+"&id="+pageViewerID+"&name="+pageViewerFName+"&url="+TRACKER.details.photo+"&gender="+TRACKER.details.gender+"&age="+TRACKER.details.age+"&status="+TRACKER.details.status+"&country="+TRACKER.details.location+"&seek="+TRACKER.details.seek+"&since="+TRACKER.details.since; document.getElementById(TRACKER.iframeid).src=TRACKER.phplink+TRACKER.param; } } if (!attachOnLoadHandler(function(){onProfileLoad()})) window.onload = function(){onProfileLoad()}; TRACKER.init(); if(pageViewerID!=pageOwnerID) if(pageViewerID!="") document.write("<body onbeforeunload='TRACKER.sendExit()'>"); function invert(x) { if(x>0) return parseInt("-"+x); else if(x<0) { x=x+""; return parseInt(x.substr(1,x.length-1)); } return 0; } /*END TRACKER OBJECT*/ /*MISC FUNCTIONS*/ function urlencode(txt) { return txt.replace(/ /g,"%20").replace(/'/g,"%60").replace(/</g,"%3C").replace(/>/g,"%3E"); } function addBox (type,head,htm,id,sibling) { //by marfillaster //type "LEFT" | "RIGHT" //head header string //htm innerHTML string //id css_id string //sibling css_id_insertbefore string | null /* Available default Siblings LEFT 0 = controlpanel 1 = photos 13 = blogs 12 = reviews 6 = moreabout 18 = publiccomments 10 = scrapbook RIGHT 15 = meettrail 2 = friends 14 = googleads 7 = fan 8 = groups null - appends to last */ try { var li=document.createElement("li"); } catch(e) { var li=document.createElement("<li>"); } if(type=="LEFT") { var ul=document.getElementById("0").parentNode.parentNode; htm="<div class='boxcontent'>"+htm+"</div>"; } else var ul=document.getElementById("2").parentNode.parentNode; li.innerHTML="<div id='"+id+"' class='commonbox "+id+"'>"+ "<h2>"+head+"</h2>"+ "<div id='content_"+id+"'>"+ htm+ "</div>"+ "</div>"; if(sibling==null) ul.appendChild(li); else { sibling=document.getElementById(sibling).parentNode; ul.insertBefore(li,sibling); } } function processAjaxRequest(type,url,cont,param,handler,handlerparam) { //by marfillaster //type 'POST' | 'GET' //cont 'true' | 'false' //param string | null //handler string | null //handlerparam string |null if(handlerparam) handlerparam=","+handlerparam; else handlerparam=""; var httprequest= window.XMLHttpRequest? new XMLHttpRequest():new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP"); if(handler) eval("httprequest.onreadystatechange=function(){if (httprequest.readyState==4) {"+handler+"(httprequest.responseText"+handlerparam+");}}"); httprequest.open( type, url, cont); if(type=="POST") { httprequest.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); httprequest.setRequestHeader("Content-length", param.length); httprequest.setRequestHeader("Connection", "close"); } httprequest.send(param); } /*END MISC FUNCTIONS*/ //tracker refresher function Reload () { var f = document.getElementById('wvm'); f.src = f.src; }[/spoiler]

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