Pages: 11234

  2008-11-16 07:27:27

Jirichi Ryunashira
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Wonder why your friends lost or missing or your number of friends increases vaguely?? Go here for more info :arrow: one of their staff explained th

Refer from my post here. But, there's still some people who didn't really get the meaning of this announcement. So then I shall [b]lock[/b] this thread [i]temporarily[/i]. For those who wants to know "[b]why my friends got deleted[/b]", just go to FS official forum :arrow: Then post your query/question/complain/anything [b]there[/b], not [b][u]here[/u][/b]. [quote=Jirichi Ryunashira]My tips for those who still panic about "Missing Friends", just take a deep breath, be patient, and stay quiet. If they've said that they will fix their system, then the only thing we can do now is waiting patiently. It's useless to discuss about "When will they fix it", "Will they fix fix it or not", "How about my friends". One simple line for you all: [b]Just Be Patient.[/b][/quote] Thank you and Good day. [hr][hr][hr] [align=center][b][color=blue]Important Links[/color][/b][/align] [table][tr][td][url=]First Post[/url][/td][td][url=]First Page (Re-read Mods' posts here)[/url][/td][td][url=]Friendster Announcement[/url][/td][/tr][/table] [hr][hr][hr] Here are some FAQs to help address your concerns: [quote][li] [b]What happened to my friends?[/b] [/li] Currently, the number of friends in the friends list is being displayed incorrectly. [li] [b]Are my friends lost permanently?[/b][/li] No. The data for all friend connections is intact and is not lost. [li] [b]When can this be fixed?[/b][/li] Friendster is currently working on this problem and we hope to have this fixed within 24 hours. [li] [b]Can I still add friends while the problem has not yet been fixed?[/b][/li] Yes, users can still add new friends and use other features of the site. [li] [b]What caused this problem?[/b][/li] There was a building-wide power outage at the QTS / Globix data center in Sunnyvale, California, USA where Friendster’s servers are co-located, along with about 50 other customers. As a result, the memory caching of data was affected. Since Friendster has 85 million users, the cache is taking a considerable amount of time to build. Once the cache has been completely built, all friends will re-appear.[/quote]

Last edited by Jirichi Ryunashira (2008-11-17 06:01:54)

Pages: 11234

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