2008-11-20 05:48:16

» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][img]http://i39.tinypic.com/juahsn.png[/img][/align]

[quote=theejhay]ooh.. there's a math contest. there's really no way we could do our contest now.. oohh im so mad.[/quote] Why don't we just make ou own contest here? And not in the whole of ftalk. hmm.. are you going to make it by poll or will someone judge it? [quote=theejhay]"I know I love someone when _________"[/quote] `` they see the things I can't see in me. charr. :D `` [quote]To really understand her/him, I ___________.[/quote] `` answer that. :D

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