YAY! Im almost finish for tomorrow's [b]BIG EVENT[/b]!

HAHAHA. I'll open up my thread tomorrow

So those people who are longing for mii works, here am i again

ANYWAY, i've edited the first page of mii Premades
But i'll upload the signatures tomorroow.
Ihad 3 signature for twilight fans oveer there X333
Just VIEW [b]DONT COMMENT STILL!![/b] Please?
[b]Ate Tinay AKA Skittles[/b] I hve a gift porr yuu.

Imma upload it later, but i'll give it tumuro.
Hope im not late. But anyway, i hope you like that gift. Mwaa :*
Enjoy your birthday and wishing you all the best god may offer to someone

[b]Girlprend[/b] HAHA.

The sig 'twilight' you want will be out tomorrow.
You better watch out, you better not cry, you better not laugh im telling you why
Santa Claus is coming to town

[b]Ok. Review mode.
