[b]Rei[/b] Wuahaha. Thanks for that Rei-kun. Don't worry [b]im a secret keeper[/b] =X
How'd you been? Anyway, im glad your here. Do you know how to speak tagalog?

I hope you do.

Me, Baby Riz and Labidabs will be there to teach you in speaking tgalog

But-- don't expect much from me, im not that good too. [b]iNoob[/b]♥
[b]Labidabs[/b] It'll be ok.

I know you can do it, i feel the same yesterday. T^T
[b]ILYalotlotMOAARR and MOOOARR :*[/b] Me♥YouAlways. (;
[b]Pop[/b] HAHA. Our exams just finish yesterday. [b]GAAH[/b]. I hope i got good scores *wallbash
I soo hate [b]FILIPINO[/b] .___. Ever.

-- Imightget ready, i had a date.