[quote=dreadcloud1]nice dude ur not a rock star ur a emo hahha i like that and also the song balance .. eris and dysnomia[/quote]
I don't want to keep on talking about emo, but for your shit's sake they're not emo. None of their music is emo.
^ Sorry for my bad words, I just hate people who label some band as emo even if they're not..

I love a skylit drive
am a big fan of this band..
and i have a fan club of ths band..
Come and visit A SKYLIT DRIVE
My fave song when their vocalist jordan blake
Hey nightmare where did you get them teeth.
Drown the city
ANd with michael jagmin
Im not athief im a treasure hunter
All it takes for your dreams to come true[/quote]
^ Thx for loving them. Haha.
I Love their All-star diaries too..
It's f***n' kick a** song.