Pages: 12

  2008-11-23 00:22:56

» SuperFTalker
FTalk Level: zero

[b]this trick is dedicated to our dearest ftalk...[/b] [quote][b]Description: :arrow: Same as what we see, when we're not yet logged in ... here. Benefits: :arrow: Helps ftalk to become more famous.

[b]this trick is dedicated to our dearest ftalk...[/b] [quote][b]Description: :arrow: Same as what we see, when we're not yet logged in ... here. Benefits: :arrow: Helps ftalk to become more famous... :arrow: Recruiting new active members... <possible!>[/b][/quote] :thumbsup: [b]1. Simple floattalk[/b] screenie [img][/img] [b]Coda: for ur js ext.[/b] [spoiler]<">[/spoiler] and ds for yar css extension file [spoiler]<">[/spoiler] preview: [url=]COUSIN'S PROFFY[/url] [b]2. Floattalk with viewers info:[/b] Screenie: [img][/img] [b]coda: js ext.[/b] [spoiler]<">[/spoiler] for css ext [spoiler]<">[/spoiler] preview: [url=]XIRUX[/url] [b]3. Floattalk with viewers pic[/b] screenie: [img][/img] [b]coda: js ext[/b] [spoiler]<">[/spoiler] for css: [spoiler]<">[/spoiler] preview: [url=]Shiruk[/url] [quote][b]another one: You may also put ur referral url ..replacing the register url Thanks to dynasty tweaker and bles for this. js edit this part...[/b][/quote] sample in simple floattalk: [spoiler][quote]<div id=\"floattalk\" style=\"position:absolute;z-index:50;\"><h2><span class=\"floatclose\"><center><img src=\"\" width=300 height=20 alt=\"ftalk\"></center></span></h2>"+ "<div class=\"floatcontent\"><center>Welcome to FriendsterTalk!</center>"+ "<center>You'll need to <a href=\"\">login</a></center>"+ "<center>in order to fully use all the features and view all the sections of this site.</center>"+ "<center>Please <a href=\"[b]REFERRAL URL HERE[/b]\">register</a></center>"+ "<center>if you're not yet a member. = )</center>"+ "</div></div>[/quote] [/spoiler] [b]where can u get ur referral url? :arrow: on d bottom part of ur user cp... it starts wd http:// [/b] [b]Another 1: u can edit the position of the regbar... :arrow: u can edit this part,[/b] [spoiler][quote]//START SCRIPT flow=document.getElementById('flo_wrapper'); river=document.createElement("div"); river.innerHTML=friendstertalk; flow.parentNode.insertBefore(river,flow); //in this part you can change it into "frombottom" or "fromtop" var verticalpos="frombottom" function ftalk() { var startX = [b]370[/b]; var startY = 400; function ml(id) {[/quote] [/spoiler] [b]to make it appear on the side make it 15.. or any lower values..[/b] ;] [quote][b]ANOTHER: somebdy asked me , if the viewer can close the box, Due to some problems, i js revised the original code w/c is:[/b][/quote] [spoiler]<">[/spoiler] [b] :arrow: The problem: ---> [i]sometimes its nt workin fine! But u may still try it...[/i] for css: here [quote]/* 11.6 Registration div box */ #floatregbar{ position: absolute; font-family: Verdana; width: 432px; visibility: hidden; z-index: 100; } #floatregbar .floatcontent {background: #FFF; font-size: 11px; text-align: justify; line-height: 14px; padding: 6px; border: 1px solid #A1A1A1; border-top: 1px solid #E8E8E8; color:#000} #floatregbar A:link, #floatregbar A:visited {color: #086989; font-weight: bold; text-decoration: none} #floatregbar A:hover {color: #68A6BA; font-weight: bold; text-decoration: none} #floatregbar H2 {background: #E8F1D0 url(../img/FriendsterTalk/h2_bg.gif) repeat-x ; COLOR: #587F02; border-left: #525252; border-right: #525252; border:1px solid #8BB716; font-size:11px; FONT-WEIGHT: bold; letter-spacing: 1px; padding: 2px 0 2px 6px; margin-bottom: 0px;} #floatregbar H2 span.floatclose {padding-left: 262px; padding-bottom: 2px;}[/quote] prev: [url=]Float talk wd close trick[/url] [b] credits: javascriptfx friendstertalk bles Dynasty tweaker me [/b]

Last edited by ---xXirukiTepe--- (2008-12-06 07:36:40)

Pages: 12

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