[quote=alemracloveyajr]i'm carmx and it's my 6th daysary here in FU..or is it 7th? ohhh..i forgot..sorry..[/quote]
happy 6th or 7th daysary to u..

[quote=Den-chan]gud morning classmates:D
just dropping by to say hi perps kwek kwek,perps amanda,danx,kuya cronix,ate jen,ate arine
ate kath,daix and dess:P
ill be back later ok:D[/quote]
hey perps!lolx..gud afternoon
[quote=frostmourne_05]Real Name: Arjhaye
Age: 19
Ym: frostmourne_005[/quote]
hi..welcome to fu..enjoy ur stay hiir
[quote=leslie815]yes sisz...tnx...yep,i quit rockstars!...watz yer name sisz?...[/quote]
hello..ahhehehe.. im anne
how old are u?