Pages: 112345

  2008-11-27 02:47:22

» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Close this thread... If somebody posted... this trick... already. =)[/b] [b]Lol. Just.... realize.... that we can put the sliding nav in its real position instead of the ... shout out... Well,

[quote=---xXirukiTepe---]this is the complete finished script...(php)) Code: <html> <head> <script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript"> <!-- // Use Freely as long as following disclaimer is intact :: //--------------------------------------------------------------- // Cross Browser Multi-Directional Scroller v1.0 24th August 2004 // This script written by Rik Comery. // For support, visit the "Resources" section at // All rights reserved. // Featured in the SimplytheBest DHTML Scripts Library at Article = new Array; i=0; // DEFINE SCROLLER ELEMENTS Article[i] = new Array ("Welcome to my profile", "", "_blank");i++ Article[i] = new Array ("--Have fun and enjoy!", "none", "");i++ Article[i] = new Array ("Home", "", "_blank");i++ Article[i] = new Array ("Profile", "", "_blank");i++ Article[i] = new Array ("Search", "", "_blank");i++ Article[i] = new Array ("Photos", "", "_blank");i++ Article[i] = new Array ("Comments", "", "_blank");i++ Article[i] = new Array ("Messages", "", "_blank");i++ Article[i] = new Array ("Settings", "", "_blank");i++ Article[i] = new Array ("Help", "", "_blank");i++ Article[i] = new Array ("Log out", "", "_blank");i++ ////// SCROLLER CONFIGURATION /////// orientation = "horizontal" scrollerWidth = "766" scrollerHeight = "27" borderWidth = 3 borderColour = "#000000" backColour = "#000000" staticColour = "#666666" stopScroll = 1 textAlignment="" // Scroller Links linkFont = "Kartika" linkWeight = "normal" linkColour = "#ffffff" linkSize = "12" linkDecoration = "none" // Scroller Links On MouseOver slinkFont = "Papyrus" slinkWeight = "normal" slinkColour = "#cc3333" slinkSize = "11" slinkDecoration = "underline" scrollerDivider = " - " ns4Text = "Click Here to visit ftalk"; ns4URL = ""; ns4Target = "_top"; ////// DO NOT EDIT BELOW THIS LINE //////// //Browser Sniffer var isIE = (document.getElementById && document.all)?true:false; var isNS4 = (document.layers)?true:false; var isNS6 = (document.getElementById && !document.all)?true:false; style='<style type="text/css">'; style+='p{font-family:'+linkFont+'; color:'+staticColour+'; font-size:'+linkSize+'pt; font-weight:'+linkWeight+'; text-align:'+textAlignment+'}'; style+='a.rcScroller,a.rcScroller:active,a.rcScroller:visited{color:'+linkColour+';text-decoration:'+linkDecoration+'; font-weight:'+linkWeight+'}'; style+='a.rcScroller:hover{color:'+slinkColour+';text-decoration:'+slinkDecoration+'; font-weight:'+slinkWeight+'}'; style+='rcScrollerHoverNS{color:red;text-decoration:'+slinkDecoration+'; font-weight:'+slinkWeight+'}'; style+='<\/style>'; document.writeln(style); // Build the scroller and place it on the page function buildScroller() { if(isNS4){ scroller='<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="'+scrollerWidth+'" bgcolor="'+borderColour+'"><tr><td>' scroller+='<table border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1" width="100%" height="'+scrollerHeight+'" bgcolor="'+backColour+'"><tr><td align="center" nowrap><p>'; if(ns4URL.toLowerCase()!="none"){scroller+='<a href="'+ns4URL+'" class="rcScroller" target="'+ns4Target+'">'+ns4Text+'</a>';} else{scroller+=ns4Text;} scroller+='</p></td></tr></table></td></tr></table>' }else{ scroller='<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="width:'+scrollerWidth+';height:'+scrollerHeight+';border:'+borderWidth+'px solid '+borderColour+';background-color:'+backColour+'">'; scroller+='<tr valign="middle"><td><div id="div" style="'; if(orientation.toLowerCase()=="vertical"){scroller+='height:'+scrollerHeight+';';} scroller+='width:'+scrollerWidth+'; position:relative; background-color:'+backColour+'; overflow:hidden">'; scroller+='<div id="div1" style="position:relative; left:0; z-index:1">'; scroller+='<table border="0" name="table" id="table"'; if(orientation.toLowerCase()=="vertical"){scroller+='style="width:'+scrollerWidth+'"';} scroller+='><tr>'; y=0; while (y<4) { for (x=0; x<(Article.length); x++) { if(orientation.toLowerCase()=="vertical"){scroller+='<tr>';} scroller+='<td '; if(orientation.toLowerCase()=="horizontal"){scroller+='nowrap';} if(stopScroll==1){scroller+=' onMouseOver="stopScroller();" onMouseOut="setWidth()"';} scroller+='><p>'; if(Article[x][1].toLowerCase()!="none"){scroller+='<a class="rcScroller" href="'+Article[x][1]+'" target="'+Article[x][2]+'" >'+Article[x][0]+'<\/a>'; }else{scroller+=Article[x][0];} scroller+='</p><\/td>'; if(orientation.toLowerCase()=="vertical"){scroller+='<\/tr>';} if(scrollerDivider.toLowerCase() != "none"){scroller+='<td nowrap><p>'+scrollerDivider+'<\/p><\/td>';} } y++ } scroller+='<\/tr><\/table><\/div><\/div><\/td><\/tr><\/table>'; } document.writeln(scroller); } // Ensure the width of the scroller is divisible by 2. This allows smooth flowing of the scrolled content function setWidth() { tableObj=(isIE)?document.all("table"):document.getElementById("table"); obj=(isIE)?document.all.div1:document.getElementById("div1"); objWidth=(orientation.toLowerCase()=="horizontal")?getOffset(tableObj,"width"):getOffset(tableObj,"height"); HalfWidth=Math.floor(objWidth/2); newWidth = (HalfWidth*2)+2; moveLayer(obj, newWidth); } // Move the layer by one pixel to the left function moveLayer(obj, width) { maxLeft = (0-(width/2)+2)/2 if(orientation.toLowerCase()=="horizontal"){ <= maxLeft)?0:parseInt( }else{ if(""){;} // alert( if (parseInt(<(0-(width/2)+6)){ = 0 }else{ = parseInt( } } timer = setTimeout ("moveLayer(obj, "+width+");", 25); } // Get width and height of layer function getOffset(obj, dim) { if(dim=="width") { oWidth = obj.offsetWidth return oWidth } else if(dim=="height") { oHeight = obj.offsetHeight return oHeight } } function stopScroller() { clearTimeout(timer) } function runScroller(){ if(!isNS4){setWidth()} } ////// END OF SCRIPT ///////// //--> </script> </head> <body onLoad="runScroller()"text="#000000"> <script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript">buildScroller()</script> </body> </html> save it as .php....[/quote] would it be possible for me to use this finished .php for my own ? cuz i coudn't open the link for the script...:( i'm so sorry i should have edited my first post...i wasn't aware of it....

Last edited by javilisnemoya2007 (2008-11-27 02:50:41)

Pages: 112345

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