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  2008-12-01 11:13:57

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Credit dulu ach :cool: :thumbsup: M dirwan :thumbsup: dynamic drive :thumbsup: sentuhan kecil dari saya Langsung ya boz =) Download dulu file ini [url=

Credit dulu ach :cool: :thumbsup: M dirwan :thumbsup: dynamic drive :thumbsup: sentuhan kecil dari saya Langsung ya boz =) Download dulu file ini [url=]klik di sini[/url] Unzip kemudian upload ke - 2 file tersebut di direktori yang sama. jangan rename atau ubah kontennya yach :D Truss copy kode css di bawah ini. Kamu bisa edit kalo kamu mau tapi sebaiknya jangan dech kalo gak mau pusing [spoiler][quote].glidecontentwrapper{ position: relative; /* Do not change this value */ width: 450px; height: 450px; /* Set height to be able to contain height of largest content shown*/ border: 5px solid #687C98; overflow: hidden; } /* Total wrapper width: 350px+5px+5px=360px Or width of wrapper div itself plus any left and right CSS border and padding Adjust related containers below according to comments */ .glidecontent{ /*style for each glide content DIV within wrapper.*/ position: absolute; /* Do not change this value */ background: white; padding: 10px; visibility: hidden; width: 430px; } /* Total glidecontent width: 330px+10px+10px=350px Or width of wrapper div itself (not counting wrapper border/padding) */ .glidecontenttoggler{ /*style for DIV used to contain toggler links. */ width: 450px; margin-top: 6px; text-align: center; /*How to align pagination links: "left", "center", or "right" background: white; /*always declare an explicit background color for fade effect to properly render in IE*/ } /* Total contenttoggler width: 350px+5px+5px=360px Or total width of wrapper div (counting wrapper border/padding) */ .glidecontenttoggler a{ /*style for every navigational link within toggler */ display: -moz-inline-box; display: inline-block; border: 1px solid black; color: #2e6ab1; padding: 1px 3px; margin-right: 3px; font-weight: bold; text-decoration: none; } .glidecontenttoggler a.selected{ /*style for selected page's toggler link. ".selected" class auto generated! */ background: #E4EFFA; color: black; } .glidecontenttoggler a:hover{ background: #E4EFFA; color: black; } .glidecontenttoggler a.toc{ /*style for individual toggler links (page 1, page 2, etc). ".toc" class auto generated! */ } .glidecontenttoggler a.prev, .glidecontenttoggler{ /*style for "prev" and "next" toggler links. ".prev" and ".next" classes auto generated! */ } .glidecontenttoggler a.prev:hover, .glidecontenttoggler{ background: #1A48A4; color: white; }[/quote] [/spoiler] Simpan di direktori yg sama kasih nama [b]featuredcontentglider.css[/b] Untuk kontennya wajib kalian edit kopas nih kode [spoiler][quote]<html> <head> <script type="text/javascript" src="jquery-1.2.2.pack.js"></script> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="featuredcontentglider.css" /> <script type="text/javascript" src="featuredcontentglider.js"> /*********************************************** * Featured Content Glider script- (c) Dynamic Drive DHTML code library ( * Visit for hundreds of DHTML scripts * This notice must stay intact for legal use ***********************************************/ </script> </head> <body> <script type="text/javascript"> featuredcontentglider.init({ gliderid: "bagusxglide", //ID of main glider container contentclass: "glidecontent", //Shared CSS class name of each glider content togglerid: "p-select", //ID of toggler container remotecontent: "", //Get gliding contents from external file on server? "filename" or "" to disable selected: 0, //Default selected content index (0=1st) persiststate: false, //Remember last content shown within browser session (true/false)? speed: 500, //Glide animation duration (in milliseconds) direction: "downup", //set direction of glide: "updown", "downup", "leftright", or "rightleft" autorotate: true, //Auto rotate contents (true/false)? autorotateconfig: [3000, 2] //if auto rotate enabled, set [milliseconds_btw_rotations, cycles_before_stopping] }) </script> <div id="bagusxglide" class="glidecontentwrapper"> <div class="glidecontent"> [b]KONTEN 1 BAKAL MUNCUL DI TAB SCHOOL[/b] </div> <div class="glidecontent"> [b]KONTENT 2 BAKALAN MUNCUL DI TAB ABOUT ME[/b] </div> <div class="glidecontent"> [b]KONTENT 3 BAKAL MUNCUL DI TAB WHO I WANT TO MEET[/b] </div> <div class="glidecontent"> [b]KONTENT 4 BAKAL MUNCUL DI TAB MUSIC[/b] </div> </div> <div id="p-select" class="glidecontenttoggler"> <a href="#" class="prev">Prev</a> <a href="#" class="toc">[b]School[/b]</a> <a href="#" class="toc">[b]About me[/b]</a> <a href="#" class="toc">[b]Who I want to meet[/b]</a> <a href="#" class="toc">[b]Music[/b]</a> <a href="#" class="next">Next</a> </div> </body> </html>[/quote] [/spoiler] Simpan dengan nama glide.html atau apalah terserah kamu save atau hosting di direktori yg sama jangan dipisah-pisah. Nah dah separoh jalan. Nih bakalan ngebentuk halaman web yg akan kita ambil untuk mengganti box more about me. Format kontent harus dalam bentuk html sama saat kita akan mengisi di kontent di media box friendster atau more about me. Kontent bisa berupa apa saja bisa mp3, slide show, video tapi harus dalam format embed codes atau pun cuman text biasa seperti puisi (pake efek marque supaya lebih mantep) sama kek kita ngisi di media box fs. Ukurannya harus jangan melebihi lebar [b]430[/b] px dan tinggi [b]430 px[/b] Karena tak akan mengkuti ukuran konten. Misal kita akan masukkan kontent video youtube <div class="glidecontent"> [b]<object width="430" height="400"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="430" height="400"></embed></object>[/b] </div> Jika ingin menambah konten tambah juga tabnya di bagian ini. Perhatikan susunannya. Misalnya kita ingin menambah tab "[b]Who I want to kil[/b]" :P maka div id yg diubah kira2 jadi kek gini <div id="p-select" class="glidecontenttoggler"> <a href="#" class="prev">Prev</a> <a href="#" class="toc">School</a> <a href="#" class="toc">About me</a> <a href="#" class="toc">Who I want to meet</a> <a href="#" class="toc">Music</a> <a href="#" class="toc">[b]Who I want to kill[/b]</a> <a href="#" class="next">Next</a> </div> Oh ya disarankan untuk konten musik jangan set auto playlist soalnya bakal bikin lambat fsmu. Nah sebelum kita masukin ke script js kita. lebih baik kamu cek dulu apakah scriptnya sudah benar. View Glide.html kira2 jadi kek gini [url=]klik pelan-pelan dengan suara mendesah[/url] Kalo berhasil tinggal kamu gabungin ma script js buat fsmu kopas script di bawah ini [quote]//Glide about me if (!attachOnLoadHandler(function(){embed()})) window.onload = function(){embed()}; function embed(){ var slodde = "<iframe name='sorodot' frameborder='0' scrolling='no' marginwidth='0' marginheight='0' width='460' height='490' src='Url glide.html' border='0'></iframe>"; document.getElementById('content_6').style.height='100%'; document.getElementById('content_6').style.overflowY='hidden'; document.getElementById('content_6').innerHTML = "<table width='100%'><tr><td align='center'>"+slodde+"</td></tr></table>"; }setTimeout("embed()",10000);[/quote] Simpan di js tersendiri paling atas kasih nama [b]multi.js[/b] atau apa pun terserah kamu Lalu kamu inject di js utama kamu [quote]//More aboutme glide slide multi kontent by bagusxfantasy var myjs = document.createElement("script"); myjs.type = "text/javascript"; myjs.src = "[b]Url multi js[/b]"; document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(myjs);[/quote] Simpan paling atas atau di bagian A Huff cape juga mudah-mudahan jalan di fs kamu :drool: [url=]Prepiyu klik keras-keras dengan suara menjerit[/url] Kalo repost hapus ajah :crybaby: padahal dah cape2 ngetik

Last edited by bagusxfantasy (2008-12-02 05:10:24)

Pages: 1

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