Pls. Do [b]NOT[/b] open 2nd the spoiler
If you do then don't do this thing, you're a cheater.
you can it open [b]AFTER[/b] answering these questions
with the [b]FIRST[/b] thoughts that comes in your
[quote]1. You are walking in the woods. You are not alone.
Who is with you?
- my friends?
2. You are walking in the woods. You see an animal.
What kind of animal?
-a butterfly?
What interaction takes place between you and the animal?
-the wings.
4. You walk deeper in the woods.
You enter a clearing, and before you is your safe house
How big is it?
-it is really big.
Is your dream house surrounded by a fence?
-a lots of devices. such as laptop,ipod,DVD,cp, etc.
6. You enter the house.
You walk into the dining room and see the dining table is covered with?
-foods, chocolates, candies & drinks.
7. You exit the house and a cup is on the ground, what kind is it?
-a chocolate drink.
8. What do you do with the cup?
-i drunk it.
9. You walk to the edge of the property where you find yourself standing at a body of water; what kind is it?
-it is spring with warm water.
10. How do you cross that body of water?
-i cross into the bridge.[/quote]